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Tranquility Is The Melody

I’m about to finish posting all lotus works of 2020.

Let’s get to the ultimate tranquillity.

These two works also appeared in my Lotus Project, but I want to say something about the Zen, and they are the perfect examples to show what Zen’s mood is.

Many people consider: Minimalism = Zen, that’s wrong, in fact, they are so different. We all know LESS IS MORE ( I think it may be the start point and core of Minimalism), so photographers always want to keep their composition minimal by using large negative space and less elements. But what Zen wants to express is not only about emptiness, simplicity, austerity, but also includes tranquility and natural attitude to our life.

In these two works I want to show the tranquility I felt that time, normally we often use mirrored water surface as the negative space and keep the lotus leaf (or other elements) reflected perfectly, but I waited an other moment - a water drop dropped onto the water surface and perfect ripples appeared - the ripples break the mirrored surface but enhanced the feeling of tranquility, as if you can hear the sound of raindrops in a tranquil environment, that is one of what Zen wants to say, emptiness is not empty.

Well, that’s very hard for me to write in English, hope you could understand.