Xiuli is an old Hui’s style village in Yi county, Anhui, China, many movies are filmed here, especially the famous My Own Swordsman.
Bald Cypress of autumn colors, shot in Dahantang, Lujiang County, Hefei, China.
John Atkinson Grimshaw is my favourite artist, I created this work to show my respect to him.
It’s the first time I’ve met a such dusk, red and orange colors suffused not only the clouds but everything, it was a holy fxxx stunning dusk ( Sorry for the F word.) 拍摄于木坑竹海,实际颜色比这个还惊人,真是层林尽染,平生未见。
Chengkan, Anhui, China.
Re-post processing.
It’s the very beginning of my photography. After I saw some awesome photos at the same place on Flickr, I realize that even a graphic designer needs to learn photography skills.
Mountain Zhagana, Gansu, China.
I took the shot in a car when we were moving from Labrang to Langmusizhen.
Xiuli is an old Hui’s style village in Yi county, Anhui, China, many movies are filmed here, especially the famous My Own Swordsman.
Bald Cypress of autumn colors, shot in Dahantang, Lujiang County, Hefei, China.
John Atkinson Grimshaw is my favourite artist, I created this work to show my respect to him.
It’s the first time I’ve met a such dusk, red and orange colors suffused not only the clouds but everything, it was a holy fxxx stunning dusk ( Sorry for the F word.) 拍摄于木坑竹海,实际颜色比这个还惊人,真是层林尽染,平生未见。
Chengkan, Anhui, China.
Re-post processing.
It’s the very beginning of my photography. After I saw some awesome photos at the same place on Flickr, I realize that even a graphic designer needs to learn photography skills.
Mountain Zhagana, Gansu, China.
I took the shot in a car when we were moving from Labrang to Langmusizhen.